Bringing up a child or two of unpretentious birth...
I'd rather tuck a little child all safe and sound in bed
than twine a chain of diamonds about my [carefree] head.
I'd rather wash a smudgy face with round, bright, baby eyes
Than paint the pageantry of fame or walk among the wise.
-- Meredith Gray

I became a mother at 24, and it was the most AMAZING gift I had ever been given!!!!!
Becoming a mother Changed me......and it was welcomed!
I realized that this precious little girl was going to look up to me, watch my actions, study how I spoke to people, how I treated people, see how I loved, how I dressed, learn from me to respect herself, and I LOVED the idea of teaching her everything!

Just three weeks after turning 27, I became a mother again!
I realized that this little boy would look up to me for guidance on how to treat a woman one day, how to love, how to treat people, how to give, how to respect himself, how to be a leader, and he would look to me for help as he grew into a man!

Being a mom to these two has been SOOO much more than I could ever have imagined!
They have taught me SO much more than I will ever be able to teach them!

There isn't anyone or anything that I would rather spend my time with than these 3 people!
I feel as though 6 years ago I was given the gift of a family!
A family of my own that I created with my very best friend.

I probably couldn't be more proud of them and how sweet, loving, kind, and forgiving they are!

Being a mom changes should.
It shifts your priorities and makes you realize just how big of a role you play!
I pay more attention to how I dress, how I speak, the people I choose to spend my time with......knowing that I have two little kids looking up to me!
I would walk away from anything/anyone that I didn't feel was in the best interest of this family.....and be totally okay with it.

And this isn't something that I would ever change......because I am a mom!