Friday, March 11, 2011

"Beachy" or "Frenchy"???

I can't decide if the new cases that I added in my shop are "Beachy" or "Frenchy".....but I am certain that I LOVE them!

I actually have a few beautiful vintage grainsacks.....yet I am just scared to cut them up and make pillow cases out of them. I followed their same pattern and made some with tea stained fabric and turquoise stripes.

The fabric is a little textured...and it really gives it a cool look.

Head on over to my etsy shop to check them out!

What do you say?!


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

We will be spending most of ours at the beach!!!!!



All That Jazz said...

Frency beach?? ;-) I can't decide! I think more french because of the grain sack stripes. But I can totally see these on a couch along with a pillow with a sea star or anchor on it and looking just fine, too! Nice work!!
Happy weekend!

Leo said...

The look very beachy to me. Love them!!!

Arabella said...

Whether they are Frenchy or Beachy - we love them!!!