Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sneak Peek

This weekend we had our pictures taken by my dear friend, Maria, with Snidershots!

She has such an amazing talent and always manages to make me melt at the sight of each shot!

Here is a little sneak peek at the AMAZING work she did!
I LOVE this picture of my babies! They really aren't babies anymore, but in my heart they will ALWAYS be little! They get along SOOO well, which only makes my life that much easier!
I can't even get over my little Collin! He LOVES his cowboy boots, and that's what he wanted to wear for the pictures! He is probably the sweetest little guy that I have EVER met, and I just can't get enough of him! (or his boots)
I have NO idea when my little girl grew into such a big-little girl! She is soooo sweet, and has a heart of gold! I wish I could slow her down a bit and just keep her right at this stage!
This picture just makes me smile!
My little family!!!
I can't even get over my kids in the picture! They are too much! And I think Collin wanted to wear the cowboy boots JUST so that he could stand like this! ha!
This is my FAVE! Everyone made fish faces, and Collin went for the Blow fish! Too cute!!!!!
Sometimes I wish I could just have Maria follow the kids around on a daily basis just to capture every moment of their lives!
These are just a few "tease" pictures that she sent me, I can't even imagine how hard it is going to be once I see ALLLLLL of the pictures she took!

1 comment:

ASHLEY said...

i love all of them!!!!