any suggestions???
This is the feel that I WANT for the room! I bought these couches out of college and want so badly to cover them...but it is so pricey! AND slipcovers just wouldn't fit. I also wish I could hang lighting, but it isn't wired because we have speakers throughout the house for music leaving no room.

This is my living room right off the front door. The furniture is all stuff that Chad and I have had...I just painted and sanded them down and purchased new knobs. (The sign I saw on Rate My Space and loved!) I also just purchased a china hutch on craigslist for $35 and am in the process of painting it to replace large white piece that is already there.
I am in the process of figuring out curtains. The problem is the windows on the front (this picture) and the window in the dining room are different heights. SOOOO annoying! I am thinking of linen or burlap for the curtains, but I don't want it to be too blah!
This is the feel that I dream of for my dining room!
This is my dining room....I have a farm table that was in Chad's family so I hate to paint it! I do, however, wish I could cover the red with seat cushions...I just need to figure out how! I also want to spray the two candle holders on the side either white or a sea blue and put brown candles in it. I like the light fixture...Just want to hang some sort of crystals on it and don't know where to begin. The rooms just don't flow now, and they are connected so it looks too choppy!

I originally thought my husband would not be into the shabby chic of it all.....but he actually loves it! THANK GOD!
Feel free to help in ANY way! I am in a serious rut with this room!!!
I think unless you LOVE the red on the table and chairs, you paint them.
They still will be from your hubby's family.
I say save up to have the furniture redone..its like 300-400 unless you want to get a new sofa and just get chairs to go with it..I agree with Kasey..I would paint the chairs if you can and have the shabby chic thing going all around.
I also agree with painting the table to match with the other room, and seat cushions would be really cute, Target has cute ones and if you feel a little more of a splurge coming on, so does Anthropologie...I know the feeling of being sad to paint something that has been in the family for so long, but sometimes you just have to do what you feel is right, so that you love it even more when you walk in the room!
aww! thanks! you have convinced me... I am going for it! I want to feel good about it, and right now i don't!
just your big sister's 2 cents....but I have seen these chairs and table in person (picture doesn't do them justice!) and I LOVE THEM!!!! I will cry if you paint them!!! GIVE THEM TO ME!!!!!! I understand you want the 2 rooms to flow together though.....I say wait, save up $$$ for a table and chairs that you can either buy what you love OR buy cheap and paint THEM ....and then give these to me!!!! THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!! :OP I love the old, rustic, farmhouse look of them!! ;op
If your looking into covering I would first really look at the construction of the couch. If they have good bones I would cover.
If not I would just look into buying new ones. As for the table my house is done in reds. I would gladly take that beautiful table and chairs off your hands!!
Looks like you are on your way to a great room. I lov ethe idea of burlap or linen window treatments.
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